Beyond Infusion

Pridecare has been dedicated to providing the home infusion therapy and specialty pharmacy industries with the highest level of experienced clinical case managers and hi-tech infusion nurses.

Specializing in IVIg infusions

Although we could serve a wide variety of use cases, we have developed expertise in the treatment of IVIg patients in their home residences. Without services like Pridecare, IVIg infusions would need to be done at a clinic which can be difficult for patients with auto-immune disorders.

Clinical case managers

At Pridecare, disease management goes beyond just the infusion, to managing all aspects of patient care.

  • Our coordinators are experienced professionals dedicated to maintaining communication between the physician, pharmacy, and nurse to assure the best possible results according to the plan of care.
  • Compliance is critical and combined effort of our nurses and case managers assure the optimal outcome.

Hi-Tech RNs

Pridecare works with only the most professional, licensed hi-tech infusion nurses.

The nurse-patient relationship is critical to achieve compliance and create a comfortable and successful environment for long-term care.

Pharmacy medications are complex and expensive. Our nurses and affiliates have the experience and expertise to accurately and correctly administer these medications, ensuring maximum compliance and cost containment.

    Who we serve

    Specialty pharmacies

    We help state-licensed pharmacies that solely or largely provide medications for people living with serious health conditions requiring complex therapies.


    We help providers who are treating patients that require specialized infusion therapies for their patients.


    We help patients who are unable or prefer to have their specialized infusions performed at their residence and on their schedule.